
Cube world pets
Cube world pets

cube world pets

When I created the world I’ve been exploring, I used the seed value 42 to create it. The worlds of Cube World are procedurally created-another Minecraft similarity-and like Minecraft’s worlds, they’re generated based on a specific seed value. Characters and worlds are created independently of each other, and you can take your characters freely from world to world any any point with all stats, levels, experience and equipment intact. If you caught my use of the word “worlds” earlier, that was no typo or mistake. World generation allows you to specify a seed number. Boating is significantly faster than walking, so it’s worth having if you’re going to spend any time traveling coasts or longer rivers. Boating is less glamorous, but overall probably more useful since there’s no range limitation on boating other than requiring water. Improving your swimming skill to level 5 allows you to open up the boating skill, which allows the use of boats, also available at all general stores. It’s a fun and picturesque way to get around, but you’ll need to invest more skill points in improving the skill to really improve your glide speed and range. To actually use the hang gliding skill, you need to buy a hang glider, available in the general store in any city.

cube world pets

Improving your Climbing skill to level 5 allows you to open the Hang Gliding skill. Walking and riding aren’t the only ways to get around. The general shop in each city sells one type of pet food, making it a good place to get started. There is no known limit to the number of pets you can tame, but each character can have only a single pet active at a time. Present that food to an untamed creature, and wait for it to bond with you. To tame a pet you need to know or figure out the special food item that creature likes. Leveling up your pet mastery skill improves your pet’s maximum health. Pets help you in combat, and once you have the riding skill, many of them can speed your travels through the worlds by serving as mounts. Turtles are fantastic tanks.Ĭlosely related to equipment, players can tame just about any creature in the world and keep them as pets.

Cube world pets